Thursday, March 31, 2011

Science Fair

Can I tell you I HATE the science fair. I think when teachers require their students to participate it really is just a punishment for the parents. I am not experiment smart and it causes me a lot of stress. So thank you to those teachers that require it. Jentries teacher was one of those lovely teachers that required science fair participation this year. I did tell her at parent teacher how much I hated this. It is a good thing that Mrs. Simpson is so dang cute and I really like her. It could have caused problems. Ha ha not really.

Anyway so Jentrie had to participate in the science fair for her grade. She participated last year and placed 3rd. Go Mom oops I mean Jentrie. I really feel like these projects are for parents not the kids. So this year time completely got away from us and before we knew it we had just 7 days until the science fair. Jentrie decided to do one that was testing Oxyclean to see if it really works. We bought Tide detergent for our base, oxyclean, 2 black washcloths and 2 white hand towels.  She washed one black towel and one white towel in just Tide, she then washed the other black and white towel in Tide and Oxyclean. She washed them in the same amount of detergentt, on the same settings, if one was washed warm so was the other. After 10 washes she covered the towels with ketchup and strawberry syrup to see if one worked better on stains. At the end the oxyclean really did make a difference on whites but not such a big difference on colors. They both worked great on stains.
We took pictures (with grandmas camera thank you), posted them on the board, and brought the towels. She did a good job but unfortunately didn't win this year. Oh well and hopefully there is not a next year.

Jentrie just  started softball and is on the Maggie Moos team. Her jersey is HOT PINK!!! The coach seems super fun and was way excited for them to get going. Have to update when she starts her games.


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